miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014

Wade et al., 2012

Early dental intervention in the Redpath Ptolemaic Theban Male

ABSTRACT    A computed tomography study of the remains of a Ptolemaic male mummy from Thebes (RM2718; 350–60 BCE), one of three ancient Egyptian human mummies curated at McGill University’s Redpath Museum, demonstrates the packing of a large interproximal carious lesion with a protective linen barrier. The dental packing described here is unique among ancient Egyptian mummies studied to date, and represents one of only a few recorded dental interventions in ancient Egypt. Such a finding lends further support for the existence of a group of dental specialists practicing interventional medicine in ancient Egypt. While the physical evidence, to date for other interventions, may be scarce, the findings presented here should underline the need to continue to look for evidence of dental packing as well as other therapeutic dental interventions in the ancient world.

lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014


Recommendations in forensic anthropology

Špansko društvo fizične antropologije in odontologije (AEAOF) je objavilo kompilacijo tehnik in metod, ki so v pomoč pri antropoloških analizah.


domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2014


13. narodni kongres paleopatologije in bioarheologije

Écija, od 1. do 4. oktobra 2015



Scientists use modern forensic techniques to identify most likely cause of King Richard III’s death

Znanstveniki Univerze v Leicester, Anglija, so objavili rezultate nove anlize kostnih ostankov angleškega kralja Riharda III. Njegovo smrt so povzročile vojne rane, ki so mu bile zadane v bitki pri Bosworthu, predvsem dve rani na lobanji.